AAA Games F.A.Q (Frequently Asked Questions)

Are the games on AAA Games really free to play?
Yes, Absolutely. All the games on the AAA Games web site are 100% totally free to play. We never ask for payment for playing any of our games We do however, accept donations from our web site users and visitors and new game gifts from developers.

If the games are free to play how can AAA Games make money.
We were given a grant from Webman Studios to establish the AAA Games web site. We now rely on Google Ads click ads revenue and generous donations from visitors who visit our web site. Click / Tap to make a donation via Paypal

Why isn't my game score being recorded on the games leaderboard.
Certain games on the AAA Games web site have their own page leaderboard scoreboard. This is permanent feature of the game and is reset on a monthly basis. You need to have a free AAA Games account, and be logged in, for game scores to be recorded to the individual game leaderboards.